Léo’s death
Interview: Monique Provost-Chatigny
Post-production: Gabriel Laprade
Seated by a window in rocking chair covered with a woolen red and white blanket, Claire Papin speaks very movingly about her father’s death.
It wasn’t all happy-go-lucky back then. It was tough. Because Dad, he’d been in the industry for a long time. We had to show what we were capable of, just like that. We had to, there were a bunch of other kids waiting in line. When you have no money, when with a snap of your fingers…. Dad didn’t have insurance, we never thought of that. Start (the factory) in 46, then in 48, an accident and then he’s dead. From one day to the next. It floors you. We had to keep going just the same, as though he was there, we had to. My brother took on sales, then my other started dealing with purchasing and labour. He took care of the workers. And me, well, I supervised.