A little fishing trip!

Two Sisters fishing in the farm’s woods. Sisters Gisèle Boulet (Sister Claude) and Jeannine Desbiens (Saint-Jean-Marie)
SNDBC Archives

Fishing for trout, without a doubt!, 1985. SNDBC Archives
Here, in our house, we have two “amateur” anglers. From the very first leisure day to the last, they endeavour to bring us a few pollution-free trout, which we are eager to savour. It goes without saying, jokes abound. Continue to enjoy your pastime dear Sisters Jeannine and Rita, and to share with us such good things.
From the Annals of Saint-Joseph farm, 1978
On Saint-Joseph farm, there was a small lake where the Sisters went for picnics, and to fish. The Lachance River crossed the farm from south to north. After a landslide in 1992, trees were planted along the shores and the lake was buried.