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First Sapp of the Iron Isle: Joseph Charles

Colour still image taken from a video. Two storey house with six windows, one door, and an addition on the left side. To the right of the house is a small building.

Joseph C. Sapp’s shop on No. 2 Road. 1968.

For Sale at Bell Island, Dry Goods and Novelty Business. Nice size store and large property. 15 room house, heated, hot and cold water, bathroom, sewerage. Ideal place for hotel. About 150 feet from Town Square, Bell Island, opposite new park [see map below], short distance from new Post Office. Good size yard and two other houses rented, one of the houses [eight] rooms, and the other [four] rooms. Ready for inspection any time. Interested parties apply to J.C. Sapp, Bell Island.
-Advertisement from the March 26, 1958 edition of the Daily News

Black and white portrait. 11 people sitting outside the front of a building. There are six women sitting and kneeling, one woman standing at the back right, and one man standing at the back left. One of the women on the right is holding a baby and there is a little girl and a toddler sitting in the front. The women and girls are all wearing dresses or skirts and shirts, and the man is wearing a dress shirt, vest, tie, and pants.

Joseph Charles Sapp stands in the back of the group.

Joseph Charles Sapp, was known sometimes as Joe and other times as Charlie. He was the first of the Lebanese-born Sapps to live and work on Bell Island. He maintained his business there for about 30 years. His wife, Ellen, was the daughter of Michael J. Gosine, another long-time Lebanese businessman of Bell Island.

Joseph was born in Hadath el Jebbeh, Mount Lebanon, February 15, 1879 to Ann and Charles Saab. His wife Ellen was born in Mount Lebanon in c.1882 to Mary Solomon (c.1861-1917) and Michael J. Gosine (1856-1938). In 1894, the Gosine family left Lebanon for Ashland, Kentucky. About four years later, Joseph and Ellen married in Ashland before immigrating to Newfoundland in 1898.

Catherine Ryan describes the Gosine family’s move to Kentucky, and Ellen and Joseph marrying. Enjoy this audio clip with transcription (EN).

The 1904 directory for Bell Island lists “Charles Sapp, General Dealer.” It seems that this is the name that Joseph Charles Sapp was known by at the time. He is listed in the 1908-09 McAlpine’s St. John’s Directory as a “General Importer and Dealer in General Dry Goods. Ready-made clothing is a specialty.” His brother, listed as Albert J. Sapp, was a clerk in his business. In the 1913 directory for St. John’s he is listed as “J. Charlie Sapp, importer and jobber in General Dry Goods, Clothing, etc. at 398 Water Street.”

Black and white printed advertisement for J. Charlie Sapp/General Dry Goods. It says, Wholesale and Retail J. Charlie Sapp General Importer and Jobber In General Dry Goods Ready-Made Clothing a Specialty . . Always on Hand . . Fancy Goods, Latest Styles, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions, Accordeons, Jewellery, Watches, Etc., Etc., Etc. . . Latest Fashions in Ladies’ Coats, Capes and Waterproofs Prices Right. P1ompt and Careful Attention to Mail Orders. Outport Orders Solicited 398 Water Street West, - St. John’s, Nlfd.

Ad for J. Charlie Sapp’s business in St. John’s.


Black and white aerial map of Wabana including locations for a new school, hospital, and centre.

A 1958 Municipal Plan for the Wabana Town Council. Sapp’s property was located around the corner from Town Square on No. 2 Road (shown as West Mines Road on the map).

In 1947, when Joseph was about 68 and Ellen was about 65, the Sapps moved to Town Square, Bell Island, where they carried on their business, and where Ellen’s sister Sadie Gosine was also in business. From this time on he was known as “Joe.”

After the death of his wife Ellen on December 29, 1955 at age 73, Joseph Charles Sapp advertised the sale of his homes and business on No. 2 Road, Bell Island. He died January 29, 1969 at age 90. Joseph, Ellen, and their only child Rosie, who died in infancy, are buried in St. Michael’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Bell Island.