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Please browse the gallery below for all the images, videos and audio related to The Early Lebanese Community in Newfoundland. Click on an item to see an enlarged image with description or to play the video/audio clip.
Black and white portrait. 11 people sitting outside the front of a building. There are six women sitting and kneeling, one woman standing at the back right, and one man standing at the back left. One of the women on the right is holding a baby and there is a little girl and a toddler sitting in the front. The women and girls are all wearing dresses or skirts and shirts, and the man is wearing a dress shirt, vest, tie, and pants.
Black and white printed advertisement for J. Charlie Sapp/General Dry Goods. It says, Wholesale and Retail J. Charlie Sapp General Importer and Jobber In General Dry Goods Ready-Made Clothing a Specialty . . Always on Hand . . Fancy Goods, Latest Styles, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Notions, Accordeons, Jewellery, Watches, Etc., Etc., Etc. . . Latest Fashions in Ladies’ Coats, Capes and Waterproofs Prices Right. P1ompt and Careful Attention to Mail Orders. Outport Orders Solicited 398 Water Street West, - St. John’s, Nlfd.
Black and white portrait. Two men in suits side by side. The man on the left is sitting on a chair while the man on the right is standing. The backdrop features a column, and several plants.
Black and white document. Advertisement that says David Shaeen General Dealer Dry and Fancy Goods Ready-Made Clothing. Jewellery. Etc. in the centre. At the bottom right hand side there is Bell Island, C.B. Dec 14, 1913 Newfoundland.
Sepia portrait of a man with dark hair, moustache, and eyes wearing a military uniform. The portrait is circular with the words No 712 Pte Joseph Sheehan around the portrait. There are other partial circular photos in the background on a black paper background.
Black and white portrait of a woman with dark hair and dark eyes wearing dark clothes, and a flower necklace with her hair up.
Black and white streetscape. Snow covered street and sidewalks with stone and brick row houses and townhouses on either side as well as utility poles. Approximately twelve people are on the sidewalk. There is one man on the street on the right side in the foreground of the photo. There is another man on the right side of the street leading a horse. A snow plow is clearing the left side of the street.
Sepia portrait of woman with dark hair and eyes wearing dark clothes. The woman has her hair up and is sitting in a chair. She is centred in the oval shape of the photo though there is someone next to her.
Black and white interior. Man working on a boat inside a wooden shed or outbuilding with five windows. The boat is on the left side of the image and is propped up on wood lumber and barrels. The boat is both light and dark in colour and includes a roof. The words Maureen written twice on either side of the bow of the boat. There are lights along the centre of the ceiling. Miscellaneous wood and tools are on the right side of the image.
Colour portrait. Man wearing a dark suit standing with a woman wearing a long sleeve white dress and veil (appears to be a wedding dress). The background is blue and the couple stands on light brown carpet.
Sepia exterior. Rectangle building under construction. There are six windows and six doors visible. Building appears to be light in colour, and it casts a shadow on the gravel. A step ladder is on the right hand side of the building. There is another building beside this one on the left hand side.
Black and white exterior. Dark building with four large windows, two doors with steps, and a false front. The sign above the main door says Gaultois Bros. There is a car parked in front of the building. Another building can be seen on the right behind this one.
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