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Please browse the gallery below for all the images, videos and audio related to The Early Lebanese Community in Newfoundland. Click on an item to see an enlarged image with description or to play the video/audio clip.
Black and white exterior image. Five townhouses in the background. Six children play in front of the homes, four men lean against one home, and one woman stands in the doorway of another home.
Black and white interior portrait. Five women and two men sit around a kitchen table playing cards. One of the women in the centre of the photo smokes.
Black and white streetscape. Five people walk on the sidewalks. There are two three-storey town houses overlooking the sidewalk on the left with more two-storey row houses seen in the background.
Colour streetscape. Two tan coloured stone buildings stand close together. There is a tree blocking part of the view of the left building which has a stone wall and entrance way. The right building has a patio above three large glass doors.
Black and white exterior portrait. Eight women and two men gather in a field with trees in the background. Five women in dresses stand in the background with one man in a suit between them; in front four women sit or kneel on the ground with one man in a dress shirt and pants.
Black and white interior portrait. Nine women in dresses and two men in dress shirts or suits sit together at a gathering. Glass bottles sit on a small table in the bottom left hand corner.
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