Activities at Maison LePailleur

Source: Maison LePailleur
Since the Ville de Châteauguay acquired the Maison LePailleur in 1998, the Société du Musée du Grand Châteauguay manages the site.
Each year, the team prepares various activities for visitors, including permanent or temporary exhibitions, extramural or in situ. Guided tours of the historic site, Saint Joachim Church and the old village are also available.
Several other public events are organized such as art symposiums, the corn festival, National Patriots’ Day, concerts and story-telling evenings.
For history buffs, there are talks on various themes and content to be read in the Murmure du temps periodical and on social media.
Finally, several workshops and demonstrations give people who like to work with their hands the opportunity to improve their knowledge or discover ancestral skills.