Commemoration of two jubilees

Source: Journal La Presse Magasine illustré, Saturday July 9, 1932, page 17
In La Presse on Saturday, July 9, 1932, on page 17, there was a montage that included photographs of Alfred-Narcisse and some members of his family. This photomontage was published to highlight the 50th anniversary of the entry into religion of Georges-Marie and Agnès LePailleur.
In addition to Alfred-Narcisse and his wife, we can see all the members of the family who joined religious orders as well as illustrations representing the founders of the three major religious communities that the LePailleur women joined.
Finally, in the centre, Saint George and Saint Agnes are represented, the two saints whose names Georges-Marie and Agnes chose.
Translated transcript:
The LePAILLEUR family – 1882-1932 (photos Desautels et Pilon, rue Sainte-Catherine Est). We know that Bishop G.-M. LePailleur celebrated his golden jubilee of priesthood on June 3, and his sister Mother Dalton, Superior of the Grey Nuns, Mother House of Montréal, celebrated her golden jubilee in April 1932.