Minutes of the Patriot Trial

Excerpt from the trial of Joseph-Narcisse Cardinal and the other Châteauguay patriots, held in Montréal on November 28, 1838.
Translated transcript:
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Wednesday, November 28, 1838. (10 a.m.)
Before a Court Martial, assembled today at the courthouse, in the city of Montréal, in accordance with an order and under a warrant issued by his Excellency Sir JOHN COLBORNE, GCB, GCMG, GCH, PC
Were present, the following members:
Major General John Clitherow, President
Lieut. Col. Sir John R. Eustace, C.H., 2nd Bat. of Gren.-Guards
Lieut. Col. Henry W Barnard
Lieut. Col. William Grierson, 15th Regiment
Lieut. Col. James Crawford, 2nd Bat. of Gren.-Guards
Major Samuel Dilman Pritchard, Brigade Major
Major Henry Townshend, 24th Regiment
Major Arthur W. Biggs, 7th Hussars
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Capt. William Brudenell Smith, 15th Regiment
Capt. Robert Marsh, 24th Regiment
Capt. William Thornton, 2nd Bat. of Gren.-Guards
Capt. Henry Alex. Kerr., 2nd Royal Bat.
Capt. Augustus Cox, 2nd Bat. of Gren.-Guards
Capt. Hon. George Cadogan
Capt. Huh A.R Mitchell
Hon. Dominique Mondelet, Esquire, Charles Dewey Day, Esquire, and Captain Edward Muller, from 2nd Royal Battalion, jointly and separately Judge-Advocates.
Messrs Pierre Moreau and Lewis Thomas Drummond represent the defendants.
John Godard, Esquire, Advocate, is appointed Translator, and Mr. Francis Johnson, Law student, does the work of Reporter.
Sergeant John Wilson, from the Royals, Marshal, and two Order Sergeants.
The following prisoners, twelve in number, are taking the stand: –
Joseph Narcisse Cardinal, Joseph Duquette, Joseph L’Ecuyer, Jean Louis Thibert, Léon Ducharme, also known as Léandre Ducharme, Joseph Guimond, Louis Guérin dit Dusault, also known as Blanc Dusault, Edouard Thérien, Antoine Côté, François Maurice Lepailleur et Louis Lesiége, also known as Lesage, dit Laviolette.