The Narcisse-Alfred LePailleur family

Source: Collection Maison LePailleur
Postcard on the front of which we see the family of Narcisse-Alfred LePailleur.
Front row, left to right: Cécile, Narcisse-Alfred, Alfred, Azilda Prud’homme and Marie-Alice.
Second row, from left to right: Amélia, Joseph-Élie Savard, Blanche, Georges, Emma, Joseph Belisle and Corine.
The back of the postcard features a message written by Bishop Alfred LePailleur to his grandparents, Alfred-Narcisse and Philomène, sent some time before his departure for India (translated):
Mr. and Mrs. A.N
LePailleur N.P.
My dear Grand-Parents,
It is a little Indian who comes to greet you, before leaving the big cities of Europe. He often thinks of you, loves you very much and asks the Lord to bless you, as you bless. Ah! yes, bless me, as I do with all my priestly soul.
Your missionary nephew,
Rome 7/12/13.