108 Mile House

108 Mile House, part of the Cariboo ranching industry, 2020. Photo: Maurice Guibord, 2018
Roadhouses along the Cariboo gold rush trail of the 1860s were identified by their distance from “Mile 0” at Lillooet, BC, so 108 Mile House (or simply “108 Mile”, or even “108”) was 108 miles from Lillooet. The same logic applies to ranch names.
Heritage buildings from several locations around the community of 100 Mile House have been relocated to this prominent site adjacent to the Cariboo Highway, the modern-day connector route between Vancouver and BC’s Central Interior.
The house on the left dates from about 1892 (very old in terms of settler history in BC), while the 105 Mile Roadhouse, the red house in the background, dates from 1907.