Johnnie Bessette

Denis Duke Collection
Not much is known about John “Johnnie” Claude Bessette. We do know he was 41 years old, single and farming in Lumby when he enlisted in the 102nd (Comox-Atlin) Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (C.E.F.). He would be paid $1.10 a day or roughly $34.10 a month for his service.
Johnnie was in good health, standing 5’ 4 inches tall and weighing 145 pounds.
On June 20th, 2016, he sailed from Halifax aboard the H.M.S. Empress of Britain and arrived in Liverpool England on June 28th, 1916. He was sent to France on August 11th 1916.
On August 31, Johnnie received a gunshot wound to his right buttock. After a short convalescence, he was sent back to the field. On October 21, 2016, Johnnie was part of a working party repairing a trench near the front line when he was instantly killed by an enemy high explosive shell.