Shield’s Store

Lumby Historical Society
In the upper left corner of this image is Lumby’s Shield’s & Company store, owned by William Shields. Mr. Shields owned and operated the store from 1910 until 1953. In 1953, Mr. John Hare took over the business.
The Shield’s store was Lumby’s largest retail store. Inside, a pioneer could find food (such as coffee beans, flour, sugar, molasses and tobacco) dry goods (such as thread, bolts of cloth, buttons and ribbon) clothing (such as hats, shoes and suspenders and essential items (such as rifles, ammunition, pots and pans, dishes and lamps) as well as many other items the pioneers needed but could not make themselves.
The store was also a place for people to meet, socialize and catch up on the news.
In 1962, the store closed when Mr. Hare retired from the mercantile business.