Frank Zappa Live at The New Penelope!
In January 1967, legendary musician, Frank Zappa, and his rock band, The Mothers of Invention, launched The New Penelope, on Sherbrooke Street, with two weeks of concerts. Gary Eisenkraft couldn’t have picked a better band to set the tone for his second New Penelope.
Gary managed to book the group, from Los Angeles, after their recent series of shows in New York City. They arrived in the middle of a freezing Montreal winter. Luckily, Zappa had his raccoon fur coat with him! Juan Rodriguez, a rock journalist in the 1960s, tells the anecdote of the raccoon fur coat and a few others.

Crowd at The New Penelope, reading Juan Rodriguez’s review of The Mothers of Invention concert, after the band’s concert, 1967
Listen to the audio clip with transcript: “Juan Rodriguez on Zappa’s concerts at The New Penelope”.
As soon as Zappa arrived, he complained about the quality of the sound in the room. He even visited a sound equipment rental store, on the other side of town, for better equipment, to no avail! Even the layout of the room wasn’t to his liking. At his request, the stage was dismantled and moved, from the middle of the left wall to the back of the room.
The Mothers opened [the second The New Penelope, January 1967]. Originally nobody had heard of them; Melinda [McCracken, journalist and Gary’s girlfriend] went to work on that. I hired them at the last minute; their manager convinced me. Zappa came and didn’t like what he saw, and re-designed the club overnight.
― Gary Eisenkraft (interview with his sister, Harriet Eisenkraft, July 2002)
Despite these challenges, Zappa put on memorable concerts much loved by the crowds. Many people still remember these shows as having exposed them to a kind of music they’d never heard before. Yet another example of Gary giving Montrealers the chance to see a major band in an intimate venue, before they became more famous.

Mothers of Invention singer, Frank Zappa (right), and entourage before a concert at The New Penelope, 1967
Indeed, by that summer, Gary could no longer afford to hire The Mothers of Invention, whom he had paid at one third of their usual fee. It’s fair to say that The New Penelope had an impact on the musical tastes of Montrealers, given how many people there discovered Zappa for the first time. Zappa would return to Montreal to perform several times, in the decades that followed.