Tight budget, tight schedule

(left) Letter from Gary Eisenkraft requesting that Dallegret design The New Penelope on Sherbrooke St., December 11, 1966 / (right) Dallegret’s invoice for The New Penelope design project, January 30, 1967. François Dallegret collection. Courtesy of François Dallegret
According to Dallegret’s invoice (right), The New Penelope on Sherbrooke Street would officially open on December 28, 1966. This would have given Dallegret as little as 15 days to design and build the project. Yet, according to the archives, it seems more likely that the first concert was the first of the Mothers of Invention’s two week stand, on January 9, 1967. We can assume that perhaps the renovations lasted longer than expected.
Transcription (partial):
Dear François,
With regards to our discussions to this date, I am submitting my request that you handle the design and whatever other duties necessary to complete the New Penelope at 378 Sherbrooke St. West.
Sincely yours,
Gary Eisenkraft
(right – translated from original in French)
following a minimum period of time of 14 days of 6 hours, between December 11, 1966 (date of order request) and December 26, 1966 (date of the opening)
charging the minimum of $125.00 per 6-hour day authorized by A.C.I.D. despite the overtime hours not counted, and of all the inconvenience of a hurried work, according to the low financial potential of the client and friend, my fee is: $1,750.00