Jesse Winchester auditions at The New Penelope

Image: Jesse Winchester performing at the Yellow Door coffeehouse, 1968. Erik Slutsky (photographer), copyright 1968. Courtesy of Erik Slutsky
Credit: ARCMTL collection. Interview was conducted in Montreal on November 26, 2015 with Allan Youster by Louis Rastelli, Director of ARCMTL.
Duration: 0:34 min
Here’s an excerpt of an interview with Allan Youster, former doorman of The New Penelope on Sherbrooke Street, describing Jesse Winchester’s infamous first audition at The New Penelope.
Louis Rastelli: Do you remember when Jesse Winchester first showed up to [the Sherbrooke location]?
Allan Youster: Actually, I was lucky enough to see him when he first came! He came in, for what, I didn’t know — it was an audition. He sang three songs — “Yankee Lady”, “Black Dog” and the other one I can’t remember. And he had the tremolo turned up high for “Black Dog.” That’s when Gary… and I mean just… And I was there going, “oh my god, what the hell?” And then the thing is he would write new songs all the time. Every time this guy would come in — I have a new song, a new song… Always new songs!