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Please browse the gallery below for all the images, videos and audio related to Paleontology on Vancouver Island. Click on an item to see an enlarged image with description or to play the video/audio clip.
Graham Beard standing against a riverbank wall that displays visible layers of sedimentary rock.
Graham Beard sliding down the bank of a river.
Graham Beard standing over a boulder in the middle of the river, hammer and chisel in hand.
Graham Beard removing a fossil from a man-made cavity in the boulder he is standing beside.
Graham Beard standing in the Englishman River, looking off-camera as he holds a newly unearthed ammonite fossil. c. 2005
Graham Beard searching for fossils amongst the rubble by a newly completed road on Northern Vancouver Island.
One large, tightly coiled ammonite fossil in the bottom right corner of a piece of matrix.
Many fragmentary pieces of ammonite fossils embedded in a sheet of rock.
Ammonite fossils embedded in a piece of brown stone. The full spiral of one fossil is visible near the top center.
Graham Beard standing on a beach at low tide, forest in the background.
Close up shot of two halves of an opened concretion sitting in an open hand; inside the rock an ammonite fossil can be seen.
A trilobite fossil in matrix, resting against a black background.
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