Al Fisher

Video still. From the Rossland Memories Oral History Project. Rossland Museum & Discovery Centre Collection.
Allan “Al” Fisher is one of the most influential people in Western Canadian skiing. Al grew up in Rossland and was a strong competitor from an early age. In high school, Al had an outstanding record as a four-way skier, racing successfully in slalom, downhill, cross-country and jumping. He was the first Rossland skier to win a ski scholarship. He attended Washington State University where he was successful in both skiing and track. He won the NCAA cross country skiing championship once. After graduation, Al volunteered to coach the University of British Columbia ski team, alongside his full-time engineering career. Al was dedicated to fitness and training, and instilled that discipline in every athlete he coached. Most of Rossland’s national ski team members credit Fisher’s influence – particularly his year-round training program – as a part of their success. Those who went on to coach at the local/national level incorporated many of his innovative ideas. Fisher returned home to Rossland in the 2000s where he skied into his late 80s. He is still committed to fitness and exercises daily.