A Rudimentary Place of Worship
Date: 1925
Credits: BAnQ Rouyn-Noranda, Société d’histoire de Rouyn-Noranda funds, various sponsors serie. 08Y,P117,S5,P375.
In 1925, there were very few buildings built in Rouyn, and the first parish priest, Albert Pelletier, had to celebrate mass in a tent pitched on the corner of Perrault and Galipeault (now known as Larivière St.). The first wedding of Rouyn was held on September 23, 1925, to celebrate the matrimony of Philéas Clermont and Marie-Anna Marleau. Priest Albert Pelletier used the St-Louis-De-Gonzague school, but it was soon too small to welcome everyone. Regal Theatre’s owner, H.S. Cary, suggested the priest should use her theatre for free, which he did until Rouyn’s St-Michel Church was built.