Loading Schooners with Lumber

Source: Oshawa Museum, Archival Collection
Artist: E.S. Shrapnel (1845-1920)
Publication Source: Upper Canada Sketches, Thomas Conant. 1898
Date: 1898
Overprint entitled, Loading Schooner with Lumber, created by Edward S. Shrapnel for Thomas Conant’s 1898 book, Upper Canada Sketches. One of a very small number of surviving colonial-era works of art depicting the Oshawa lakefront area.
Wood from the lumber mill was loaded onto the schooners owned by Daniel Conant and David Annis, and was transported to Oswego, Sodus, Niagara, Kingston, as well as many other ports located on Lake Ontario. Lumber from the mill was also used in Oshawa to construct buildings such as the J.B. Warren Flour Mill.