Oshawa Harbour Re-opening

Source: Oshawa Museum, Newspaper Collection
Date: August 8, 1930
The brightest light in the harbour’s past is the official opening of the harbour on August 7, 1930 after it had been refurbished. By rebuilding it, the City hoped to renew the prosperity of the harbour.
Transcript of The Oshawa Daily Times headlines:
Thousands at Oshawa Harbor Opening
S.S. City of Kingston Arrives First, Followed by S.S. Ashbay
New Oshawa Harbor Opened with Impressive Ceremony
Harbor Opening Ceremony Colorful Spectacle with Presentation to Captain
Movies Taken of Harbor Opening
Image Captions from Newspaper:
1) First General Motors car being loaded on the City of Kingston in Oshawa while citizens looked on.
2) City of Kingston, First ship to enter Oshawa Harbor.
3) W.H. Moore, newly elected Liberal M.P., who delivered opening speech.
4) Mayor Mitchell of Oshawa presents top hat to Capt. Dube of the City of Kingston.