Oshawa Sea Rangers Win Dufferin Division Trophy

Source: Oshawa Museum, Archival Collection, A021.9
Date: 1960
The crew of SRS Crusader, Oshawa won the Dufferin Division Trophy in the Girls Cutters RCSC Regatta recently at HMCS York, Toronto. Posed with the trophy at the meeting of the Sea Rangers at the Sea Cadet Hall, located on Oshawa Blvd. Shown in the photo from left, kneeling are: Louise Billy, Eleanor Bowman. Seated, left to right: Kathy Pearse, Joan Nesbitt, coxswain and Norma Gower. Standing, left to right: Mary Collard, Susan Channing, Roberta Tilling, Sandra Gaskell, Maureen Cook and Sharon Hester.