Lesbian/Gay Women and Gay Men in Solidarity leaflet

BC Labour Heritage Centre Solidarity Collection
Gay men and women in British Columbia felt attacked by provisions of the budget including changes to human rights legislation.
Lesbian/Gay Women Against the Budget
Too many people still believe lies about lesbian/gay women. Actually, women who love women are your friends, family and colleagues. We live full, productive lives, work in every conceivable job, and belong to all ethnic, religious and political communities. We make up 10% of the female population and we’ve been working hard to end the discrimination we experience. The Socreds think we deserve discrimination.
Labour Minister McClelland has labelled lesbian rights “frivolous.” He has refused to include protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in the new Human Rights Act (Bill 27). The removal of the “no dismissal without reasonable cause” section of the act means that we have lost the one legal avenue open to us to fight discrimination in housing and employment. Our chance of unjustly losing our children in custody cases in greatly increased.
The Residential Tenancy Act (Bill 5) allows landlords to raise rents and evict without cause. Lesbians will end up paying higher and higher rents or being evicted by prejudiced landlords.
The Medical Services Act (Bill 24) would give the government access to doctors’ confidential medical files. This could lead to identification of women who are gay – and more discrimination. The government has recently promised to amend this legislation, however, at this time, our concern remains.
Cuts in social services and education affect us as single mothers, consumers and workers. All women in B.C. are losing essential services like the child paternity support program, emergency services, family support services, and many more.
Bills 2 and 3 mean that being lesbian could be an adequate reason for being fired, not hired, or passed over for promotion.
This government is trying to roll back the clock in B.C. Lesbian/gay women join the Solidarity Coalition in saying “NO!” We will not live in fear. Together we will create a British Columbia where diversity among people is respected and ALL citizens have rights.
What you can do
Call and write your member of the Legislature in Victoria.
Support the rights of lesbian/gay women in your community group, organization, church, union, etc.
Invite speakers from Lesbians Against the Budget to talk to your group.
Join in Solidarity actions in your community.
Join Lesbians Against the Budget or other Lesbian/Gay rights organizations.
All women can join Women Against the Budget.
For information, contact the Solidarity Coalition office, 686 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1G1 Telephone 873-6322
Gay Men in Solidarity
About one in every ten men is gay. Gay men are among the many people who work, rent homes, use health and social services, attend colleges and universities and use other public services. Like other people, gay men pay taxes, are consumers, may be poor, senior citizens, disabled and members of racial and cultural minorities.
Up to now gay men in British Columbia have only been able to ask for protection against discrimination under laws which prevented people being denied jobs, housing or services “without reasonable cause.” The B.C. Government proposes to drop these sections from the Human Rights and Residential Tenancy laws. This means that gay men will not be able to ask for help when they are discriminated against just for being gay, not because they have done anything which offends anyone. Other minorities are also affected by these changes. This goes against the recommendation of the Government appointed Human Rights Commission: That all people, regardless of sexual orientation, should be protected by all sections of the Human Rights Code. (March 1983)
Gay men do not want anything special. What they do want is access to protection against discrimination for all people. The Solidarity Coalition has supported all of the recommendations for improvements to the Human Rights Code made by the Commissioners. Gay men have joined the Solidarity Coalition in support of its work to protect the rights and services for every resident of B.C. We want rights and services for everyone, regardless of our differences. We want B.C. to become a place where people are respected as differing. If the Government is allowed to deny justice to one group, they may feel able to do the same to others.
What you can do
Call and write your member of the Legislature in Victoria.
Support rights and services for everyone, including gays, in your unions, religious organizations and community groups.
Invite gay men to discussions with your group.
Support Solidarity by attending meetings and rallies.
For information, contact the Solidarity Coalition office, 686 W. Broadway, Vancouver, B.C. V5Z 1G1 Telephone 873-6322