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Please browse the gallery below for all the images, videos and audio related to Stories Beneath the Surface. Click on an item to see an enlarged image with description or to play the video/audio clip.
A black-and-white photograph of five dancers on a stage. The dancers are squatted down on their feet and have their arms on each others shoulders. The stage background is a mural of poplar trees.
Cathy English - a white woman with short grey hair, wearing a blue zip-up sweater. She is standing on a dirt path and gesturing to her right. There is green grass, a mountain, and grey sky behind her.
Two coloured photographs edited side by side of a cemetery plaque titled “Mount Cartier Cemetery 1913 to 1966” with a list of names. The photo on the left is a close-up of the names, and the photo on the right is zoomed out to show the scenery around the headstone. The plaque/headstone is surrounded by flowers at the base.
Black-and-white family portrait of eight individuals in dress-attire (suits and skirts). Six men stand in the back, and 5 women sit in the front with a man sitting in the centre. The photograph was taken in a room with curtains on both sides and a small framed picture in the centre.
A black-and-white photograph of a man standing on the porch of a log building with a sign that reads Post Office Mount Cartier. The building is surrounded by greenery and trees, and has a wooden fence on the left.
An aerial view black-and-white photograph showing farmland and the Mt. Cartier settlement. A river is visible in the background of the photo.
A grayscale photograph of five men standing in a row. The men are wearing jackets and hats, and all have facial hair. A woman can be seen being on the left.
A black-and-white photograph of a baseball field. Cars and people surround the outside of the field. Mountains and trees are in the background. The start of a dirt road is shown on the right before the field.
A black-and-white photograph of a two-story club house sitting in a field. The building's patio has outdoor chairs on it. A women is sitting under an umbrella beside the building. There is a fence to the left of the building. Trees and a car on the road in the background.
A black-and-white photograph of a tall prism-shaped post surrounded by trees and other greenery. The post reads Aug 21 1912 1st Post Mt. Rev. Auto Road.
Black-and-white aerial photograph of Revelstoke that shows mountains, a river cutting across the photograph, and a section of the city. A long airstrip juts out into the water in the middle of the photograph.
The Columbia River Newsletter Issue No. 4 from December 1, 1964. Features a photograph of Revelstoke's Big Eddy Area at the top, surrounded by news stories 'Dyking to Save Most of Big Eddy', 'H.Q. Golder to Study Nakusp Banks', 'Good Beach Sites', and 'Railway Relocation'.