They Called it “Negotiation”
BC Hydro had to purchase 3,144 parcels of land from 1,350 private owners in the Arrow Lakes reservoir area. Hugh Keenleyside, then co-chair of BC Hydro, stated in May 1964:
We have said from the beginning…that we propose to treat the people fairly, sympathetically and generously. This is particularly true of those who are no longer young and who in some cases have lived for most of their years in the neighbourhood which is now to be disturbed.
BC Hydro established a formula for appraising the land, which may have seemed good on paper. Many of the homeowners would take issue with Keenleyside’s statement that they were being treated fairly, but most realized that the appraisers were just doing their jobs and didn’t have the authority to give better offers.
Harold Catherwood Interview – Negotiations (captions available in both French and English). Enjoy this video with an English transcript.

BC Hydro reservoir land manager Earl Moffat discussing property lines with Jack Grusen, long-time farmer of Revelstoke, 1966. Arrow Lakes Historical Society photo 2014.003.8495.
Danny and Marris Gawiuk and several other families had independent appraisals done and hired Vancouver lawyer Harry Rankin to help them get a better deal. They did not receive the value stated in the independent appraisal. Other families felt intimidated and were worried that if they didn’t accept a first offer, no matter how low, it would be further reduced.
Some families experienced financial hardship. Finding affordable properties in Revelstoke or other communities with their compensation money was a challenge. For others, the loss of their land and their life’s work was something that could never be compensated for.
Walter Bobicki Interview – Negotiations (captions available in both French and English). Enjoy this video with an English transcript.
Bruce Tillen Interview – Negotiations (captions available in both French and English). Enjoy this video with an English transcript.