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Images and Video Interviews sharing the tragic story of Ste. Marie II from multiple perspectives.
Image of Louis Lesage sitting to the left of a map of Christian Island.
Black and White Title The Decision to Leave Christian Island
Title, white letters on black background Early Descriptions of Ste. Marie II.
White letters on black background Challenges of Excavation.
White letters on black background title 'Charity Site'
White Letters on Black background titled 'The Establishment of Ste. Marie II'
White letters on black background title is The Newcomers
Contour map showing site locations and excavation pits on Christian Island
Seven small flint stones varying in shape and greysih black colour. Jagged edges show wear.
A well preserved iron knife found during MOA excavations at Ste. Marie II.
The end of a cow bone, likely from one of the legs.
Two complete brownish points and one whitish point with its tip missing pointing downwards, each with a long stem.
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