Letter from Griffith and McNaughton, Ltd. to E.J.C. Norrie and Co., 1916-1918

Courtesy of: Kenwood Corporate Centre
Throughout WWI Griffith and McNaughton, Ltd. had private business dealings outside their contracts with the Canadian Department of Militia and Defence and the U.S. War Department. This letter indicates they would send raw materials, as well as finished socks, to E.J.C. Norrie and Co., manufacturing agents located at 70 Bay Street, Toronto. After receiving these goods, Norrie and Co. could resell the socks on commission for Griffith and McNaughton and sell the raw wool to other manufacturers as they wished. The letter dictates that this deal, at the price given, could continue until February at which point revaluation would have to take place. This contract was also made with the understanding that any raw materials or already-manufactured goods could be seized by the government to support the war effort.