Poem inspired by the Great Storm of 1913

Date: 20th century
Credits: Huron County Museum
“The ninth day of November last
Will be remembered long.
The loss by storm on that day
Could not be told in song.
On that November morning
The wind and sleet and snow
Increased until the afternoon
The storm was fierce I know.
Not only on Lake Huron,
Lake Erie and St. Clair
And also Lake Superior
Each one received their share.
Their loss they will remember
But who could count the cost,
Two hundred and seventy sailors
And thirty ships were lost.
The strongest vessel on the lake,
Will never reach the shore.
The bravest sailors on the boats
Will see their friends no more.
Life boats and life preservers
Proved that day to no avail.
They were no use that stormy night
They could not stand the gale.
Some tried the life preservers,
No sailors need be told,
It’s better to sink at once
Than to perish with the cold.
And after that eventful night,
For one full week or more
There have been many sailors found
All along Lake Huron’s shore.
One of them a letter from,
His mother, far away,
Saying “”you will be home at New Years
Can’t I see you Christmas Day.”