Letter of acquisition for the purchase of the Compagnie des Moulins du Nord by the Rolland Paper Company, 1912

Provenance : Société d’histoire de la Rivière-du-Nord, Rolland Company Fonds
Call number : P001, S01, SS01, SSS01, D02
Date : 1912
From the inception of the Compagnie des Moulins du Nord, Stanislas Rolland sought to maintain good relations with the Rolland Company, appointing his brother Damien as vice-president. Stanislas also continued to run the Saint-Jérôme mill as its manager.
When it merged with the Moulins du Nord in 1912, Rolland boosted its capacity, adding two paper machines to its assets.
Transcription :
Montreal, Canada, May 27, 1912
La Compagnie des Moulins du Nord, Montreal
Dear Sirs,
Further to our negotiations, I am pleased to inform you that the Rolland Paper Company, Limited, is prepared to acquire the whole of your business as an active industry, for the price and consideration of two hundred and fifty thousand piastres, of which fifty thousand piastres shall be in cash and two hundred thousand piastres shall be in paid-up shares of one hundred piastres each out of our corporate fund, the whole pursuant to the terms of a Resolution of the Directors confirmed by the Shareholders, a duly certified excerpt of which you will find enclosed.