Alice Drake’s Christmas Eve Trick

Photo courtesy of Alice Drake
Alice: This is a true story, too. It was Christmas Eve and we had them all in bed but Ann Marie and Genevieve wouldn’t go to sleep. They were laughing and carrying on up in the room and we were trying to decorate the tree unnoticed to them because they didn’t see the tree until they got up Christmas morning. But anyway Gordan looked at me and said “I’m gonna fix them now”. I said “what are you gonna do”. He never said anything, he just went in the basement and we had the cows bell belong to the cow we had when were we lived in Oderin. He come up with the bell and I said “where you going with that”. He went out through the back door and went up the ladder on the roof of the house. He got up on the roof and went over handy about where their room was too and he stated stamping on the roof and ringing the bell right loud. Ann Marie and Genevieve was right positive, sure, that it was Santa Claus. So he come down and he said “now you won’t hear no noise from them no more the night”. So we went in got at the tree and never heard a sound from them after. Ann Marie said to Genevieve “luh, that’s Santa Claus, that’s Santa Claus luh, cuz we are not gone to sleep”. Never made a sound afterwards.