Grace Lockyer Talks about Cakes in a Suitcase

Photo courtesy of Grace Lockyer
Grace: When people, they said down home, they wouldn’t invite you to the wedding years ago until they went around. They ask everyone to make a cake for the wedding … They come around pick up cakes in suitcases. I almost died laughing when they told us they go in the house and open suitcase put the cake in, close up suitcase and take it by the handle. I just about died when I heard that story. Then I was thinking about the icing sugar but the cake was just as good when he was took out because the icing sugar was so hard. It never, you know … But anyway that’s what they done, go around and say “come to the wedding now”, pick up the cake and carry it to the hall … bride’s girls and bride’s boys.
No cake no wedding.
Lizzie: No, no invitations or nothing like that. .. just came around to the houses. Everybody baked a cake and carried it in.
Grace: Don’t know if that was the good old days or not, but it sounds pretty good to me.