Marion’s Special Gift
Photo courtesy of Marion Barnes
Marion: The most fantastic thing I got for Christmas was an accident. I use to look in the old catalogues, Eaton’s catalogues and I wanted the little golden books, I still liked to read even then. I suppose Mom ordered them but you know how they use to substitute when they didn’t have what you wanted. So when Christmas morning when I opened up what I got, I had a house, the fence, on the fence was a fox and a duck, over this side two more animals and on the top of the house was a monkey and a bear in doorway and two more windows with two more and there was a dart gun, for shooting them down with, you would get points for knocking them all down. Well it was some fun in our house that Christmas, sure Howard Cheeseman came up with Elizabeth he took the Christmas balls off the Christmas tree and everything. He wouldn’t very good for aiming.
Elizabeth: Not only that, Mom had a new teapot and I think Rose Gaulton fired at the thing and she missed and she took the teapot off the stove.
Marion: They almost beat everything up. I got it by accident and I wasn’t even a boy, and all the older crowd, 7 and 8 years older than me sure they were all playing with it. And do you know I still got it.
Elizabeth: Think it was probably one of the few things that you would have gotten then that was actually like a game kinda thing. You get a doll well you would have to make the game your own self. Or you get a truck you would have to make the game your ownself or a boat or whatever. But this had so many points for every window you took the animal out of.
Marion: The ones on the fence weren’t worth as much because they were easier to get at.