Ruby King’s Wedding

Photo courtesy of Ruby King
Interviewer: When you came home and got married, what kind of wedding you have?
Ruby: Oh, just old fashion wedding.
Interviewer: So what kind of wedding would that be? Like what did ye have?
Ruby: We had lots of cake, some kind of jam, and something else, I believe it was apple. Wouldn’t much to have then. There was 11 of us in the family, you couldn’t afford very much. But, we had a good time, the dance was the best of it. I don’t remember a lot about the wedding, but the dance, the dance was the best of it.
Interviewer: So ye had it in a hall or in a house?
Ruby: We had it in the school in Boat Harbour, in the United School, that’s where they used to have everything. We had a great dance.
Interviewer: Everyone in the place go?
Ruby: Everybody from Boat Harbour and Brookside was invited. Everybody that wanted to go was invited.
Interviewer: Did ye go around and invite them?
Ruby: Go around door to door to invite everybody.
Interviewer: So who played for your wedding? Somebody play the accordion?
Ruby: I’d say, everybody that could play, was playing then. Someone was playing the accordion, I don’t remember who played but a lot of people could play for that. No special person, everyone would chip in.
Interviewer: Did people contribute to the wedding like in the community?
Ruby: Oh, My God, yes. Everybody helped then, bake a cake or cookies or something like that. Everybody helped, give something for the wedding wouldn’t do it all yourself. Everybody chipped in and helped.
Interviewer: And they didn’t all sit down to eat the one time, did they?
Ruby: You put out whatever tables you could, everybody that was finished eating go and dance and if someone come in that wouldn’t after eating, there was still a place to sit down and eat.