Captain John Bruce Fraser

Capt. Fraser
1918. The Christmas Echo: Honour Roll Number. LLSC.
John Bruce Fraser was born on 16 October 1885 in London, ON. He worked in wholesale dry goods at Robinson, Little & Co. Ltd. and resided with his parents at 232 Central Ave. He served in the 7th Fusiliers Regiment before enlisting in the 142nd Canadian Infantry Battalion as a Lieutenant on 15 May 1916. In November 1916, he was promoted to Acting Captain while serving in the 64th Btn. One month after becoming the A/Capt of the 3rd Btn of the Canadian Machine Gun Corps, Capt. Fraser was killed in action in France on 4 September 1918.
He is commemorated on page 410 of the First World War Book of Remembrance, (Memorial Chamber, Peace Tower, Parliament Hill).
Grave: Dury Crucifix Cemetery, France.