Building the Roads

Gaspé highway at Marsoui
Les Amis des Jardins de Métis Collection
The journalists and drivers who drove the Gaspé tour for the first time during the summer of 1929 were generous in their praise. One of them reported:
The technical errors are so few, in the eyes of the non-expert, that they are barely even worth mentioning. There might have been less a slope here and perhaps a bit more charm by skirting closer to the sea…the road is not yet entirely finished. There are some parapets to be built, approaches to bridges to be changed or enlarged. But as is, the goal has been reached: the most beautiful parts of the country have been delivered to tourists, one of the most beautiful in the world, and in certain places, truly without equal.
Le Progrès du Golfe, citing Louis Dupire, editor of Le Devoir