Tour of the Gaspésie

Road Guide
Motoring in the Province of Quebec, 1935
Quebec Automobile Club
Les Amis des Jardins de Métis Collection
“We can repair all your troubles” was the slogan for the Garage P.B. Dubé in Port-Daniel Est, an important claim in a region that still had few garages and service stations along the highway.
The guide book offered essential information to drivers, providing the names and locations of dealers and garages along the way.
Often repairs were required because of the bad state of the roads. But sometimes, there were other reasons. In 1933, the minister of the Voirie et des Mines, J.E. Perrault, made a public plea to citizens. “We must cease to seed the Boulevard Perron with nails, clips and other pieces of metal in order to create work for garages, as if this continues, it will have a disastrous effect on tourism in this district. We don’t want a few black sheep to sabotage the enormous investment we have made in the boulevard and the promotion of the Gaspé peninsula. Highway patrolmen have been given instructions to apprehend these bad actors and stiff fines will be handed out to anyone who impedes traffic and causes difficulty to tourists.”