Crâne d’ours (Bear Skull)

Acrylic painting by Virginia Pésémapéo Bordeleau, 2004.
MA, musée d’art Collection
Métis Cree, born in Rapides-des-Cèdres, Abitibi, Virginia Pésémapéo Bordeleau is a painter and a writer. With a bachelor’s degree in arts, she is displaying a gentle art where family and territory, mystical animals, plants and rocks all come together as an organic world, with a renewed energy. She received many awards for her paintings. She published Ourse bleue (novel, La Pleine lune, 2007), De rouge et de blanc (poetry, Mémoire d’encrier, 2012) and L’amant du lac (Mémoire d’encrier, 2013), the first erotic novel written by an Indigenous author.