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Welcome to the gallery of the virtual exhibition Abitibi-Témiscamingue : A Nature that Gives Life. Click on an item to view the enlarged image with description or to play the soundtrack or video.
Shot of a smiling man during an interview.
A French pamphlet's cover page. We can see a goddess holding objects symbolizing wealth. She is walking on a land where we can see the names and places of colonization villages following the rail road in Abitibi before the rising run. The motto Seize the Land is at the top.
A museum interpreter is holding a red wooden seed planter with a metal rotary distributor and a cotton pouch.
A steel stump puller made of two pieces of hooks joined together with a moving eyehook.
Coloured picture of two people overlooking the production of a hay bale. We see a bale being ejected in a wagon.
Black and white drawing representing two conifers in the foreground, in front of a forest of conifers in the background.
Black and white picture of a log driver on a log afloat.
Knee-high brown boots with studded sole, faded leather, and several lacing holes.
Coloured picture of a general view of wood skidding.
Saw with two adjustable handles and a long-toothed blade, very slightly curved.
A bow saw made of a wood frame holding the adjustable toothed blade with screws.
Black and white picture of mine employees in work clothes and gathered before a building.