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Welcome to the gallery of the virtual exhibition Abitibi-Témiscamingue : A Nature that Gives Life. Click on an item to view the enlarged image with description or to play the soundtrack or video.
Four miners in working clothes underground, in a gallery posing for the photographer. One of the miners is sitting in a conveyer.
Six miners in work clothes are standing in front of a mine's scaffold and other industrial buildings.
Round burgundy plastic glasses with tinted lenses and a black elastic rubber band.
Helmet with a large rim, cracked. An exterior metal hook and a strap.
A rectangular shaped box with a handle fixed to a checked handle that is inserted in the box as a spring, depending on the imposed movement. Two terminals at the top.
Metal object made of two cylindrical chambers, an ignition roulette, a movable cap, a reflector, a hook and a stream regulator.
A woman sitting in an office, having a discussion.
Art picture of a rust-coloured ground with violet rocks and little puddles of water.
Coloured picture of a forest after clearcutting : the ground is filled with clearcut waste.
Coloured picture of a wooden building with abandoned agricultural equipment.
Black and white picture of a young kid in snowshoes with three rabbits in hand, taken by hunting in the forest.
Black and white picture of cars, on a commercial street and parked, on which rest fixed moose heads. A crowd looks at the catches.