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Welcome to the gallery of the virtual exhibition Abitibi-Témiscamingue : A Nature that Gives Life. Click on an item to view the enlarged image with description or to play the soundtrack or video.
Advertising poster with a picture showing dogs harnessed to sleds during winter.
Coloured picture of a brown and black pair of ice skates, faded leather.
Wood skis with metal foot grip and leather attach. Ski boots are beside it.
A woman sitting inside, discussing.
Grassland and a couple of malard ducks whose colors are reflected in the water in the foreground.
Coloured picture of two people crouched in a forest, looking at a notebook. One of them is wearing an employee uniform of a Quebec National Park.
Black and white picture of a man organizing a herbarium on a large table in an office.
Black and white picture of a mountain with a man at the forefront who is observing with binoculars.
Three projectile points made of polished stone of various shapes.
Plank with rectangular shaped metallic pieces, conical or cylindrical, and some of them have designs.
The remaining pieces of four ceramic vases, decorated with different patterns.