The Tornado
By Julie D. Vaillancourt, painting, oil on canvas, (1975)
MA, musée d’art Collection
Born in Taschereau, in Abitibi and grew up in Rouyn-Noranda, Julienne Dubreuil, also known as Julie D. Vaillancourt, her artist name, figured as one of the pioneers in visual arts in Abitibi. The museum of art in Rouyn-Noranda has 6 pieces of this artist in its collection, it had the honour of hosting a retrospective exhibition in 2010 under Louis Brien’s commissary and presented a series with about 20 drawings and watercolours in 2015. It is with great sadness the team at MA learned of Julienne Dubreuil’s passing on August 7, 2019, at the age of 96 years old.