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The Bipolar Giant, a Living Legend! – Final Part

Allow Guillaume Beaulieu to recount his legend in his own words and in its original language by clicking the link below. View the full transcript in English here.

Fortunately, there was still time to wake up, because

The failures of yesterday and today have not exhausted all possibilities. Now that this country is made, there are some who want to inhabit it

– Maurice Asselin

Taken from
La colonisation de l’Abitibi,
« a geopolitical project » (1982).

…and for a long time.

Coloured picture of a rural landscape. We can see a large clouded sky and buildings in the distance on the bottom to the right.

Montbeillard landscape in Abitibi, 1975.

At this time, the giant returns to see his first wife Anishinabe and
their child to apologize, to compensate her, even if such a tragic
abandonment is not so easily erased. He even goes out more
often in the sun to regain his skin’s coppery tones. He gives a
better helping hand to his child from his first marriage bed, as
well as the others from his second. They grew up and they have
big dreams. They want to experience the country, now,

In regards to his heart, he no longer commits as he did before. He
still knows that he is inhabited by parts of his old relationships:
the generous Anishinabe, a beautiful woman from the city, and
the honest Ukrainian. As a certain poet once said:

When I love once I love forever!!


Medallion drawing of the view from a mountain and the hills from a distance. A stream with four people in a canoe takes place in the foreground. The medallion adorned with weird diabolical figures.

Wizards Mountain (Mount Kanasuta). Watercolour from Rapport du Père Paradis, published in 1884.

All is not perfect, but we learned to clear, row and cross rapids just like our ancestors…

– Francine Plante Pokio

An engaging and multidisciplinary artist originating from Ville-Marie.
The correspondence was exchanged in 2018.