Canadian postage stamps featuring mammals

Canada Post website:
Some of the mammals living in our forests as displayed on Canadian postage stamps: white-tailed deer (2005), black bear (2013), red fox (1988), varying hare (1985), porcupine (1991), beaver (1992)
With its various summits (Mont Césaire, Mont Condor Ouest, Mont Condor Est, Mont King, Mont Plante, Mont Saint-Aubin, Mont Iceberg …) our rock-climbing zone offers outstanding natural beauty and breathtaking panoramas in every season! There are many other species found throughout the Laurentians such as the chipmunk, groundhog, skunk, racoon, and several species of small rodents, etc.
Our visitors may also have an opportunity of meeting several species of reptiles and amphibians: the wood frog, American toad, the spring peeper and gray treefrog, green frog, bullfrog and the Pickerel frog (an endangered species in Québec). The northern two-lined salamander and the blue-spotted salamander have also been observed. Garter snakes and northern ringneck snakes (an endangered species in Québec) are also present.
Something to occupy moments of rest and observation waiting at the foot of our rock walls.