The modern route setter and his equipment

Photo credit: Patrick Pronovost
Opening up a new route requires that it first be scrubbed and cleaned (removing moss and lichen); then purged (removing loose rocks); permanent anchors (safety equipment) installed in the rock. Opening a route also requires climbing for the first time without falling and by means of only what natural holds the rock face has to offer.
Here is a list of route setters and first ascensionists who have contributed and left their mark on the rock walls of Val-David. The two most prolific are Paul Laperrière and Pierre Cornellier.
In alphabetical order:
- Alexandre Charest
- André Hébert
- André Laperrière
- André Lesage
- Antoine (canard) Séguin
- Benoit Dubé
- Bernard Doth
- Bernard Poisson
- Brian Rothery
- Bruno Haché
- Camille Choquette
- Chantal Kirouac
- Christiane Lelièvre
- Claire Brazeau
- Claude Côté
- Claude Lavallée
- Daniel Lévesque
- Daniel Perrault
- Daniel Thériault
- Dick Wilmott
- Dominique Forget
- Dominique Trudeau
- Éliot Forget-Laperrière
- Élizabeth Brett
- François Demers
- François Garneau
- François Parent
- François Roy
- Franz Ewald
- Fritz Wiessner
- Georges Hampson Dulfer
- Georges Laurin
- Georges Tait
- Gérard Bourbonnais
- Ghislain Allard
- Gilles Léonard
- Gilles Parent
- Granville (Red) Austin
- Guy Lacelle
- Guy Parent
- Heinrich Habel
- Henry Chanzy
- Hubert Morin
- Jacqueline Magdeleine
- Jacques Lambert
- Jacques Lemay
- Jacques Lemenestrel
- Jean Laperrière
- Jean-Dominique Saudan
- Jean-François (Jeff) Beaulieu
- Jean-François Denis
- Jean-François Dumont
- Jean-François Gagnon
- Jean-Pierre (Pee-Wee) Ouellet
- Jean-Pierre Ferron
- Jean-Pierre Renaud
- Jérôme Homier
- Joe Francioni
- John Brett
- John Turner
- José Dionisio
- Julien Déry
- Julien Labedan
- Laurent Homier
- Louis Babin
- Louise Huot
- Luc Laperrière
- Luc Rivest
- Marc Blais
- Marc-André Nantel
- Marcel Lehoux
- Marie-Geneviève Lavergne
- Mario Létourneau
- Martin Boiteau
- Martine Lavallée
- Maurice Charbonneau
- Maurice Patenaude
- Michael Provost
- Mike Ward
- Nadine Gagnon
- Noël Ducharme
- Normand Cadieux
- Normand Lapierre
- Patrick Prénovost
- Paul Laperrière
- Pete Covo Chico
- Peter Gernassnig
- Pierre (Pedro) Tessier
- Pierre Cornellier
- Pierre-Édouard Gagnon
- Raymond Jotterand
- Régis Richard
- René Boisselle
- Richard (Dick) Willmott
- Richard Auger
- Robert Ward
- Samuelle Watson
- Sébastien Richer
- Stéphane Audette
- Thomas Ryan
- Vicky Amyot
- Youri Del Rio
- Yves Chouinard