Committed Women

Date: 1959
Source: Messager de Verdun / Verdun Borough Archives
Following the wars, Verdun’s women continued their work on behalf of veterans and the community at large. They formed the Verdun Ladies’ Auxiliary in Branch 4 Verdun and in Branch 202 Crawford Park and provided considerable assistance to the Canadian Legion.
The Verdun Ladies’ Auxiliary supported the branches’ projects. This took several forms, including helping Verdun families afflicted by the war, putting together Christmas baskets for the disadvantaged, helping Verdun mothers in need, organizing annual poppy campaigns and helping to raise money for various charitable campaigns.
Transcription of the text below the photograph:
Ladies’ Auxiliary Aids In Program of the Branch. Shown above is the present executive of the Ladies Auxiliary. Since the formation of the Auxiliary in the 1929 there have been fine officers. Here is a list of presidents since its founding; 1929-30-31, Mrs A.H. James; 1932-33-34-35, Mrs A.D.Cameron; 1936-37, Mrs D.Young; 1938-39, Mrs A.D. Cameron; 1940, Mrs F.C. Stapley; 1941-42, Mrs A.D. Cameron; 1943, Mrs F.G. Scrivens; 1944 to 1947 Mrs A.H. James; 1948-49, Mrs deWitt;
1950, Mrs A.H. James; 1951-52, Mrs W Archibald; 1953, Mrs Caminer; 1954-55, Mrs R. DeWitt; and 1956-57, Mrs J.D. Fulton. Previous Presidents were, Mrs. E. Small, Mrs C. Durrant and Mrs. G. Wakeling.