The Shops in Roc-d’Or
![Colour map of the village of Roc-d’Or showing the buildings. The shops are in red and the buildings that have not been moved are in green. The road, in the center, is in black and yellow. To the right, a legend identifies different shops by number.](
Date : 1942
Credits : Alexandre Faucher, De l’or… et des putes?, Rouyn-Noranda, Éditions du Quartz, 2014.
This map is an excerpt from “De l’or… et des putes? [Gold … and Whores?], a book by Alexandre Faucher, published in 2014. Most of Roc-d’Or’s businesses fronted the main road at the southern end of the village. This road linked the region’s two main towns, Rouyn and Val-d’Or.