English translation of U-518 logbook for November 2, 1942 attacks

U-518 logbook extracts from November 2, 1942:
“06.36 – On closing three steamers are in sight, they lie off the roadstead at anchor.
“07.32 – Shot from tube I on the steamer lying furthest away (3000 GRT) [Anna T]. Afterwards immediately shot from tubes II and III on a large ore vessel directly before me (6000 GRT) [Rose Castle] … After 48 seconds running time a hit aft on the large ore vessel [Rose Castle]. The steamer settles aft, lays over on its port side and is shrouded in a cloud of smoke.
“07.04 – While turning shot from tube V once more at the 6000 tonner [Rose Castle], afterwards immediately turned towards the third steamer [P.L.M. 27] and while turning shot from tube IV on the third steamer (5000 GRT) … After 45 seconds running time hit forward on the 6000 tonner. After 35 seconds running time hit aft on the 5000 tonner [P.L.M. 27]. This one settles aft immediately, forward slowly deeper.
Times are given in German Summer Time.
U-boat logbooks were called Kriegstagebücher or KTB in German.